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There are many reasons why you might want to obtain copies of the title documents relating to a property. Perhaps you are trying to resolve a boundary dispute, or you need to understand what covenants might bind the land. Maybe you want to check for rights affecting it or you might be considering buying it.
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Thanks to the Land Registration Act 2002 and its predecessor the Land Registration Act 1925 it is now compulsory when land in England and Wales changes hands or is mortgaged to register the land with the Land Registry, the government department responsible for maintaining records of land ownership and interests in land. If the land
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Before I go any further, I should make clear that the purpose of this article is explain how home rights (the right of a spouse or civil partner to occupy the matrimonial/partnership home) are protected at Land Registry. It is by no means a general commentary on the rights of a spouse or civil partner
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This is a question I am often asked. When it comes to obtaining a copy of the register of title for a particular property the Land Registry offer two options; the Official Copy of the Register of Title or the Register View. The general public can be forgiven for confusing the two; they look very
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